
Well it has been a while since my last post I know and while I have a lot to update you on that will have to wait for another post. Today marks a year since my last surgery and I couldn’t let it pass without marking it on here. Not going to lie, today filled…

Falling Through The Cracks

I have tried to write this post so many times, I write it and then leave it sitting in the Drafts box for weeks, go back and look at it and then decide I am not doing the subject justice so delete it. The subject constantly is in the back of my mind. A lot…

Liberating Lockdown

No there is no doubt in my mind that lockdown has been tremendously hard for most people. When we initially went into lockdown back in March 2019 most of us probably believed that it would have lasted for a few weeks, maybe a month at best. The majority of us would have coped with the…

Keeping Positive after a Spinal Cord Injury

Having a Spinal Cord Injury is life changing in many ways. My life literally changed overnight in early 2019. I had suffered with back issues most of my life so was always one of those people with a “bad back”, I was also the main carer for my disabled son, which involved me doing a…

Lockdown Diaries – Day 3

Apologies for the two posts in one day but I forgot to upload yesterdays post and only remembered when I came on here to start todays Lockdown entry. So as you can tell from the earlier post, this morning was a bit hectic. The kids are settling into the new routine more, and things are…

Lockdown Diaries Day 2 – We Can Do This People

So here we go Day 2 in the Big Brother House as they say……. Last night before bed I made sure that I was better prepared for the day ahead, all of the kids worksheets have been printed out and are ready in order for when they need them for the lessons today. My daughter…

Pass me the Vodka!

And there we have it folks! Boris finally grew a pair of Balls and did what he should have done weeks ago. The figures have been screaming for a Full Lockdown for the last month. Boris and his bunch of cronies have been burying their heads in the sand and ignoring the scientific evidence for…

No New Year New Me Bullsh*t

Normally at the start of the New Year social media is normally full of all the “New Year, New Me” posts. This year seemed slightly different, people were posting posts of how they were grateful to have gotten through the shitstorm of 2020. People seemed reluctant to make those sweeping statement posts of things they…

Happy Hump Day!

Millions of people are returning to work today after having had almost two weeks off of work for the festive period. Christmas is usually a time for people to switch off and unwind, recharge their batteries and have a well earned break. Days are spent eating, drinking and being merry. Lounging about in our PJ’s…